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August 02, 2010
Gallup: GOP Back To Edge On Congressional Generic Ballot
Just a reminder: For two weeks Gallup had the Democrats surging on this and the GOP plummeting. Just some noise, I figured, or really hoped, because who knows.
Well... I guess it was just two bad, bad polls in a row.
The thing about the Democrats' spike there, too, is that there is no news you can plausibly attribute it to -- what, everyone's so happy about a lame financial regulation bill? (And PS, Gallup had the Dems surging before that actually passed.)
So-- if it were real (hypothetically), what could have caused this strange reversal? And what re-reverses it now?
I'm sort of wondering if this was real, but temporary, because PPP has Democrats edging up in Senate races. I'm hoping they got the tail end of this One Week Wonder, too, and next week this blip will be off the radar.