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June 14, 2010
Massachusetts Legislature Acts to Get State Teachers Union Out of Former Marine's Face
Some good news on a Monday. Let's hope Deval Patrick decides this isn't the hill to die on.
He has 10 days not to be an idiot.
Massachusetts lawmakers passed an amendment on Monday expected to save the job of a public high school ROTC instructor who refused to pay teachers union fees.
State senator Richard R. Tisei introduced legislation last week on behalf of Maj. Stephen L. Godin, a retired Marine and ROTC instructor who was told he'd get the ax if he didn't chalk up a $500 teachers union "agency fee."
I wrote about Major Godin a few days ago, background story is here. Bottom line, the union left him alone for 15 years while he just did his job, day in and day out, until (for reasons known only to their super brain trust) they decided to push him around, backed with the power of the "Hotel California" statute in Massachusetts that forces teachers to pay unions whether they want to belong to them or not.
It'd be a small victory, but a good one.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:56 PM
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