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May 18, 2010
Iowa's Southern Border Breached by Undocumented Alien: SEAL THE BORDERS NOW! (Plus - bonus Fat Iowa Governor news)
From the Des Moines CBS affiliate, we get this story of a migrant who surreptitiously invaded the state of Iowa, looking to displace hardworking Iowa Possums, Skunks, and possibly Raccoons and get himself onto the government dole.
In somewhat related news (roadkill varmints), Iowa's governor Chet "Buzz Lightyear" Culver was involved in a police chase when his plainclothes Iowa State Patrol driver responded to a driver's display of the "one finger salute" by flipping on his lights and chasing down the outlaws. No word from the aspiring Inspector Javert, but the driver of the other car did speak to a local TV station, on condition of anonymity, about the shock he felt when he saw Governor Culver emerge from the unmarked Suburban in the company of his preteen son.
"Sweaty Chetty" already has enough problems with his reelection bid in November; did he really need to add this piece of Barney Fife performance art to the video footage available to the Republican nominee? Nope, but when presented with "bad" and "OMIGOD, that's really ****ing stupid" choices, Chet can be relied upon to choose the worst option available to him.
Honest to God, if we weren't already idiots for repeatedly sending Harkin back to the Senate, reelecting Culver as Governor would seal the deal & make us the official laughing stock of the midwest......and when Minnesota's junior senator is Al Freakin Franken, that's a pretty big distinction.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
12:26 PM
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