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May 18, 2010
The Death Of The UK (A Continuing Series): Al Qaeda Operatives Can Stay Because Of Fears For THEIR Safety
Wouldn't it just save everyone a lot of time and effort if the UK simply ditched the Church of England, have everyone convert to Islam and adopt Sharia law?
An Al Qaeda operative arrested in a high profile terror swoop won the right to stay in Britain today because he would be in danger if he returned to his native Pakistan.
Abid Naseer, the alleged ringleader of an alleged plot to bomb Manchester, won an appeal against deportation alongside fellow Pakistani national Ahmad Faraz Khan despite a court accepting that both are a threat to the country.
Mr Justice Mitting, in a written ruling, said: “For the reasons stated, we are satisfied that Naseer was an al-Qaeda operative who posed and still poses a serious threat to the national security of the UK and that... it is conducive to the public good that he should be deported.”
He added that the Special Immigration Appeals Commission in London was allowing the appeal because “the issue of safety on return” made it impossible to deport Mr Naseer to Pakistan.
Mr Justice Mitting said that Mr Faraz Khan could “safely be taken to have been willing to participate” in Mr Naseer’s plans but that his appeal too was being allowed on the grounds of his safety on return.
They are being held at immigration removal centres but are expected to be released later today.
A third man detained in the raids, Shoaib Khan, 31, who has gone back to Pakistan, won his appeal against exclusion. He can now apply to return to the UK.
I love the last part. One of the guys has already been sent home and can apply to return to the UK. He obviously hasn't been killed or thrown into some dark hole (unfortunately). Perhaps his availability to fill out paperwork and buy a plane ticket is testament to the fact that these guys aren't actually in danger when they leave the UK (again, unfortunately).
If David Cameron had any balls (ha!) he'd ignore this idiotic court order. I bet he'd pick up more seats next election if he simply said, "I don't give a damn about the safety of known terrorists. I care quite a bit about the safety of the British people and therefore I've packed them on a military plane to Afghanistan and will deliver them to the border with Pakistan."
Instead, these bastards will likely wind up on the dole. But remember, anyone who points out the idiocy of this policy will no doubt be labeled a bigot.

posted by DrewM. at
12:22 PM
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