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May 12, 2010
Charlie Crist to BP: Hey, I Know You Kinda Got Your Hands Full Right Now, But Give Florida $34MM
To fund an advertising blitz by the state's tourism marketers to let everybody know "there ain't no oil on our beaches here, no sir, come on and spend your vacation money in sunny Florida."
His solution: A $35 million advertising blitz, paid for by the company that owns the leaking oil well. That, he says, would enable the state's tourism marketing company, Visit Florida, to launch an advertising campaign to counter the rumors about coastlines covered in oil slicks and tar balls.
"One of the things that we want to do is be able to market to states north of Florida,'' Crist said, "that our beaches are still clean, that our hotels are still open, our restaurants are doing well, and we want people to continue to come on down and help our tourist industries.''
This jackass is really starting to annoy me.
The oil isn't anywhere near Florida, might never make it anywhere near Florida. Doesn't matter. The beast is wounded, let's have at it.
He's also asked the Small Business Administration to go ahead and make sweet loans available to not-yet-affected-and-may-never-be-affected tourism and fishing businesses who may or may not ever need them. Just in case.
This on the heels of his campaign's announcement today they'll just hang on to those contributions made to his Republican Senate campaign, sorry Republican contributors. We know you meant "Charlie the Whatever Candidate for U.S. Senate".
I suppose the plus side is a couple more jack moves like this and we can quit worrying about him splitting the Republican vote.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:02 PM
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