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May 12, 2010
Sexy Danica McKellar Spread For Maxim Magazine Found To Have Great "Societal Harm" for America and My Dick
She won't date anyone with "Winnie Cooper fantasies," to which I can only say, "Bravo, dear lady, and who are you exactly? Were you on Hardcastle & McCormack?"
The Nero Wolfe Mysteries?
Whoever this person is, and whoever "Winnie Cooper" might be (I have no idea at all myself), she seems to be keen on math.
She says of the shoot, “It was fun. We went with a collegiate theme with some knee socks which are always fun.”
The actress-turned-mathematician is about to release her third book, “Hot X: Algebra Exposed” in August. She explains to the magazine, that her books are intended “to help girls who [believe] that stigma that math is only for guys or you have to be a nerd to like math.”
Instead, she says, “Let’s make math fun and sexy and glamorous. Smart is sexy, that’s one of my main messages."
The actress, who has been married for a little over a year finds guys with good math skills sexy. “It’s really cool when a guy tips 20 percent quickly and effortlessly so that when the check comes, he opens it and signs his name and done,” she says.
“Here’s how you do it. You look at the total of the check and you move the decimal point over one spot [to the left] so now it’s a smaller amount and then you double what you see and that’s your 20%.”
Twenty percent? I suppose that's a fair tip, though, me personally, I tend to round up to the nearest log
e Π myself.
Sure, that trifling calculation may take an extra 10-5 seconds, but I can spare the 104 microjoules of effort. Q.E.D.

Turn-Ons: Confidence, kindness, and Mathemagic