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Overnight Open Thread »
March 23, 2010
Please Don't Quote the Trolls
Earlier this evening, we had a troll who decided to infect a couple of threads with some racist comments. The morons responded admirably with anger, wit and impressive amounts of profanity aimed at the idiot. While there's nothing more beautiful than a moron flash mob tearing into rancid troll meat, it would be really helpful to those of us who clean up the troll's droppings if you guys didn't quote the offensive statements.
As the president and Congress grow more unpopular, I think we're going to see more of these types of Axelturfing crapweasels. The left is going to do whatever it can to paint conservative blogs as hotbeds of racist teabaggin' rage. So please let the co-bloggers know when and where we can find the Moby in question, and we'll zap it.
Oh, and please keep flaming the ever-loving crap out of the trolls. Not only is it the right thing to do, it's extremely fun to watch.
posted by Slublog at
08:52 PM
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