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March 08, 2010
Nomentum III: Dina Titus Says She's Undecided
Previously, Titus had expressed reservations about Pelosi's Abortion but voted for it after changes... and arm-twisting, of course.
Democratic Rep. Dina Titus dropped her opposition today to the House health care bills, saying changes have been made since she voted against it in committee in July and it has now won her support.
Titus had been walking a political line of supporting health reform, but opposing several elements of the House plan -- particularly its surtax on higher-wage earners she feared would snare many couples and small business owners in her Southern Nevada district.
The balance was a smart political move in Southern Nevada, where the congresswoman's district remains politically split. She will have to face voters next fall.
The surtax on "Cadillac Plans" is currently in the Senate bill that Nanny-Nan wants everyone to vote for.
Now she says she doesn't know if she can support the currently-envisioned Frankenstein bill.M
As if to illustrate that, Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., a freshman who supported an earlier version of the bill, said she is now undecided, citing questions about what the final measure would include.
"I think what's happened in my district is there's a great deal of uncertainty," she said.