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March 07, 2010
CBS News: It's Not Gadahn
Here we go again.
Earlier it was reported by Pakistani media that intelligence agents had arrested Adam Gadahn, the American-born spokesman for al Qaeda, in an operation in the southern city of Karachi.
It was further reported by the Associated Press and Reuters that Gadahn had been arrested, sourcing security officials.
CBS News was told by sources in the Pakistan government that it was Gadahn, even after U.S. officials refused to confirm it was the California native for whom a $1 million reward has been posted.
Now, CBS News' Farhan Bokhari in Islamabad writes that earlier reports the detained individual was Gadahn proved false. According to a Pakistan security official who spoke with CBS News on condition of anonymity, the arrested individual is in fact "a Taliban militant leader who is known as Abu Yahya."
There's been so many stops and starts with this guy, who knows. On the upside, if it's not him that means he's still available for a special Hellfire missile delivery via a Predator drone.
Thanks to 'trailortrash' for the heads up in the original thread.

posted by DrewM. at
05:44 PM
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