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February 15, 2010
Amy Bishop Is A Far-Left Extremist "Obsessed" with the President
Honestly, I hate how the Left goes ape-shit every time a Republican voter or supporter (not a politician) does something stupid or illegal. As if the fact that the individual is a Republican somehow has relevance to their stupid or illegal act. And as if other Republicans should feel guilty or responsible for criminal idiots hiding among us. Lefty bloggers and MSNBC are frequent abusers of this strategy and justify it by squawking "hypocrisy" as if two wrongs make a right.
So, with the note that I believe her far left views and apparently tiresome support for President Obama did nothing to cause her crazy or compel her crimes:
Meanwhile, in an interview with the Chronicle of Higher Education, Anderson said he was searching for the “trigger” to his wife’s breakdown, and that he wondered whether an e-mail message - potentially in the form of a final tenure denial - might have upset her, because university higher-ups were known to send “nastygrams” on Fridays.
A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.
The article also quotes an anonymous "classmate" of Bishop's slain brother, Seth, who describes their childhood household as "anything but a home...a really dreary, dark place where there wasn’t a lot of love." I'm skeptical that so many former classmates and friends appear to be coming out of the woodwork to say predictable things about Bishop and her family, particularly those claiming recollection of events 23 years ago.
Whatever. I'm sure Bishop's "dreary, dark" childhood will be compelling in the Lifetime movie.
posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:45 AM
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