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February 10, 2010
Leftists Are Stupid, Part 1,343,218
On February 4, the quasi-humor, quasi-news, quasi-BSing-for-the-sake-of-BSing website FITSNews ran a story that was almost accurate:
Anyway, in the long and storied history of utterly retarded legislation in South Carolina, we may have finally found the legal statute that takes the cake for sheer stupidity, which we think you’ll agree is saying something.
It’s called the “Subversive Activities Registration Act,” and it requires terrorists in South Carolina to … get this … register with the S.C. Secretary of State’s office before they start plotting to violently overthrow the government.
From the law:
Every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States, of this State or of any political subdivision thereof by force or violence or other unlawful means, who resides, transacts any business or attempts to influence political action in this State, shall register with the Secretary of State on the forms and at the times prescribed by him.
In fact, that law wasn't aimed at terrorists at all. It was created in 1951 and aimed at communists. The tip-off to this is the language "overthrowing the government of the United States...by force or violence." which is what was in the Communist Party platform before the government started putting people in jail for that kind of thing and they changed it. (Another likely tip-off should have been the $5 fee for registration. When was the last time you paid a government fee that was less than $45?)
But whatever. FITSNews chuckles at those silly South Carolinians with old legacy laws on the books and life goes on.
Unless you're an idiot named Daniel Tencer writing over at Lefty website The Raw Story and nutbar conspiracy theorist website Prison Planet who...shall we say, embellished a little bit:
Terrorists who want to overthrow the United States government must now register with South Carolina's Secretary of State and declare their intentions -- or face a $25,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison.
The state's "Subversive Activities Registration Act," passed last year and now officially on the books, states...
From there it went to Huffington Post and DKos and that's when it went viral. Now idiot Leftists all over the web are chortling about it and claiming it was recently passed by the "scared" South Carolina legislature. One tard then sent it to me, calling it South Carolina's "terrorist registration law."
Congratulations, Leftists. You are dumb.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
11:29 PM
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