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Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch) »
December 28, 2009
The state of ClimateGate today, Dec 28 2009. [krakatoa]
(A series of daily-ish roundups of the day's Climate news and commentary.)
This is by no means a comprehensive recap. The stories come from a variety of sources, and I highly recommend exploring the linked sites for more breaking news.
(after the break...)
The biggest story on a fairly quiet Climate day is from the hurt butts in D.C.
Senate Democrats apparently feel they have sacrificed enough for Obama, and are telling him to give up on Cap & Tax for 2010.
Providing health insurance for a tiny percentage of Americans apparently was more important to them than saving Gaia, so they shot their political wad on pissing off the 80% of the public that was pretty ok with their current health insurance.
As my best friend Uncle Rug always says: "Never underestimate the stupidity of the average politician. And never, ever, trust a fart." Which I think is redundant.
As so many have pointed out so often: Maybe we'll start believing AGW is a crisis if the elders of the church of Gaia actually started acting as though it were.
From the AoS headlines, Arthur K unveils his Scottish brogue to soften the harshness of his denial-fascism, linking an article about German physicists who have a bone to pick with AGW Sciencytists over the liberties they have taken with the laws of Thermodynamics.
Among the observations include one that has bothered me the first day I heard the term "Greenhouse Effect": The Earth is not a closed system, so "Greenhouse" is a terribly inappropriate term.
Also (and to dumb it way down): the inconvinient fact lost on AGW Warmists that an ice-cube's warmth relative to zero doesn't increase the heat of the drink it is put into.
The title of the paper pulls no punches. Falsification of The Atomspheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics.
WUWT stories:
Weather records on the endangered list:
877 snowfall records broken last week.
And NOAA announces October the third coldest on record in the US, with December looking to continue the frigid trend, prompting Anthony to note:
It has often been said that “Weather is not climate”, but ultimately it provides the only meaningful way to verify climate models.
Obviously he hasn't learned the hardest of hard rules in Climate science: Proxies trump all data.
JoNova offers a nice poster produced by Mohib Ebrahim that covers 3 decades of Climate shenanigans.