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December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Morons - Remember the Troops
Big blue patch of something on the radar out west, but if Central Texas has a white Christmas, I'll eat my hat.
Merry Christmas to all you morons, and to my co-blogging knuckledragging pals too. And while we're offering good wishes, remember those who serve, especially those deployed and away from their families and loved ones. They do what they can to make it feel a little like home every year, but it's just a little. Keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Hanging the Christmas stockings at Camp Lee, December 1941
The CO of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cav
addresses soldiers at Christmas dinner, December 2009
Christmas 1943, New Britain
WWF Comes to Iraq for the troops, December 2009
A Marine Sergeant receives gifts in Tampa for the Toys for Tots program. Toys for Tots began in 1947 and has provided millions of toys to needy children in their communities
Christmas Day in Vietnam, 1968
Christmas concert at Vandenberg AFB, December 2009
Christmas Tree lighting at FOB Hammer, Iraq, December 2009

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:03 AM
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