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December 24, 2009
Al Qaeda Leaders In Yemen Die From Being Run Over By A Reindeer And Air Strike But Mostly Air Strike
This Obama fellow has an interesting take on what it means to win the Nobel Peace Prize and quite frankly, I like it.
Sources tell ABC News that an air raid in Yemen this morning may have killed two top al Qaeda officials as well as an imam believed to have inspired the alleged Fort Hood shooter.
Those believed to have been present at the target in the eastern province Shabwa included the leader of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Nasser al-Wahayshi, his No. 2, Saeed al-Shehri, and Anwar al-Awlaki, who was quoted telling Al Jazeera Web that Maj. Nidal Hasan, asked him "about killing U.S. soldiers and officers. His question was is it legitimate" under Islamic law.
Awlaki said the query was a year before the Fort Hood shooting, making him "astonished. Where was American intelligence that claimed once that it can read any car plate number anywhere in the world?"
How does our ass taste now Awlaki? Oh wait, you don't have a mouth any more. Never mind.
FTR-Awlaki was born in the US, so clearly the left will be outraged by this blatant violation of his due process rights. Me? Not so much.
This is the second US strike in Yemen in a week or so. At the same time we are releasing Gitmo detainees to Yemen. I guess that's ok as long as we are blowing them up after we let them go.
For those of you keeping track at home: In this year's Feats of Strength, it's the US 1 - Terrorist Scum 0. I love Festivus!
*I updated the headline because it's not clear if it was a cruise missile used to off these guys.

posted by DrewM. at
09:48 AM
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