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December 23, 2009
I Got A Lot Of Problems With You People
And now you're gonna hear about it. You! DrewM. My mom says your historical references STINK!
We've all waited for this special time of year. We've nurtured our grudges and disappointments for twelve miserable months while the economy and the job market got snuffed, and our government brought the Curse of Maxine Waters to life by taking over everything from GM to the largest insurance company in America. We've had weeks of nasty back-room political arm-twisting to shove this mess called Health Care Reform to Obama's desk.
We are pissed, so lets air some grievances. I'll start. You people disappointed the hell out of me this year. Google your own doggone cheerleader pics why don't you? I put up a post a few weeks ago to give you all some place to comment on the games and it wasn't good enough because it didn't have a cheerleader. It was like watching Katrina refugees streaming out of New Orleans all over again.
Don't even get me started on Twitter. I got problems with you people too.
UPDATE FROM LAURAW: Yeah, this is the Festivus post. Festivus is a time to gather together your family, your friends, and your most precious Morons. And tell them all how they've disappointed you in the past year.
On a more serious note, 2009 fucking sucked in so many ways it's hard to even catalogue them. All the misfortunes visited upon family and friends, and even personal losses of both...I hope we're all never again so happy to put a year of life in the rearview mirror.
2010 just has to be better.
posted by Dave In Texas at
03:22 PM
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