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December 21, 2009
Hopium Den: White House Declares Public So Wild for Comprehensive Piece of Shit Their Approval Will Rocket to 60%
All these red-diaper babies are going to be wearing golden diapahs. In addition to the red ones.
There is some small truth in the notion that passing this is good for them: The controversy would at least go away. They would no longer be twisting in the wind. The unpopular, budget-busting piece of shit would become a source of mere retrospective griping than in-the-moment anger.
As they say, it is easier to beg forgiveness than to seek permission.
And I figure that is worth... what, two or three points?
Captain Wonderful and his Commando Team Unicorn Bravo figure it's worth 15 points.
Everybody who is part of the Obama coalition recognized that the first order of business had to be the economy and that we needed to focus on that and that we need to continue to focus on that until it turns around,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Chris Van Hollen told POLITICO. “In talking to labor, their No. 1 priority was getting the economy turned around.”
And it wasn’t just the economy. A united Republican opposition scuttled hopes of a new politics. Presidential efforts would not have won for interest groups’ prized priorities the required 60 votes in the Senate, according to administration officials. And the passage of health care reform, one official predicted, will send Obama’s approval rating up past 60 percent and restore his supporters’ enthusiasm.
There's no point in the White House saying this, so it won't.
But an official predicted to me the other day that Obama's numbers would hit 60 after the health care bill passes, and Chuck Schumer seems to think roughly the same thing: that the public polling on the Democratic reform bill will turn around "soon."
When people see what is in this bill and when people see what it does, they will come around," Schumer said. "The reason people are negative is not the substance of the bill, but the fears that the opponents have laid out. When those fears don't materialize, and people see the good in the bill, the numbers are going to go up."
Right. People are going to be blown away by a plan whose benefits begin in 2014 but which begins escalating taxes on every damn thing in sight immediately.
Incidentally, this prediction fails to take into account the most important thing, the one thing that will never change: This is racism straight-up, nothing but opposing a president because he's black.
So unless Obama also plans on a Michael Jackson regimen of chemical peels and daily bleachings, I don't see how it gets to 60%.
Plus, he would still need a hooky single with a phat beat and/or a nasty groove.
Thanks to AHFF Geoff.
Bonus: AMA Endorses Reid Abortion. Hey, thanks for the $250 billion, doc-fix guys. Here's that endorsement we promised you in return.
The Chicago Way
They pull a scalpel, you pull a $250 billion dollar bribe.
They put one of yours in the hospital, we give the guy in a hospital some end-of-life death panel counseling.
That's the Chicago Way -- and that's how you get socialism done.
Headline Changed... To include "Hopium," as suggested by Brandon in Baton Rouge.