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Open Blog Sunday »
December 20, 2009
"The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene tonight"
Disappointed Warmists Cry Big Salty Tears of Unutterable Sadness Which Fortunately Does Prove To Be Utterable, After All
Lumumba Di-Aping, chief negotiator for the G77 group of 130 developing countries, said the deal had "the lowest level of ambition you can imagine. It's nothing short of climate change scepticism in action. It locks countries into a cycle of poverty for ever. Obama has eliminated any difference between him and Bush." [emph. me -ed.]
John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: "The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene tonight, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport. Ed Miliband [UK climate change secretary] is among the very few that come out of this summit with any credit." It is now evident that beating global warming will require a radically different model of politics than the one on display here in Copenhagen."
Lydia Baker of Save the Children said world leaders had "effectively signed a death warrant for many of the world's poorest children. Up to 250,000 children from poor communities could die before the next major meeting in Mexico at the end of next year."
Big surprise.
Well, maybe next year in Mexico, if you fly in more jets and use more limousines and consume more of the finest food and drink, that will finally save some poor child's life somewhere in the world.
Well, maybe not, but you're sure gonna give it the ol' Harvard try, aren't you?
Negotiators will now work on individual agreements such as forests, technology, and finance – but, without strong leadership, the chances are that it will take years to complete.
The sacrifice, people. I don't think you right-wing three-toothed squirrel-eatin' dumbasses appreciate the frustration here, and how hard this is going to be for our lefty 'negotiators.'
We're talking years, here. YEARS.
Years and years of this painstaking luxurious drudgery ahead of them. Yeeeeears of attending conventions in exotic locales and sucking cognac and caviar off seventeen-year-old hookers' inner thighs.
The bill eventually footed by wageslave scum such as yourself, of course. As it should be.
On a personal note, directed right at YOU; how come none of you idiots ever think up a fantastic scam like this? The Hell is wrong with you? I know many of you are capable of being just as clever and morally confused as anybody on the left.
Don't you think ol' lauraw would like to go on a plane ride once in a while? Huh? Or maybe drink something that doesn't have the word 'value' somewhere in the name? Yannow what I mean? It would be nice, is all's I'm sayin'.
No, don't talk to me about Principles, and about Truth and Honor, OK?
Principles + Truth + Honor = lauraw can't have nice things.
That's fine. Really. I hope you're happy with yourselves.
It's fine. Fine.
Found from following sweasel's link. If you go over there, be sure to click on the link at iamfelix's 5:27 comment. Nice pic of anti-warming protesters.

posted by Laura. at
01:38 PM
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