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December 18, 2009
Meanwhile, MoveOn.Org Officially Opposes Senate ObamaCare Bill
By the way.
Progressive standard bearer MoveOn is opposing the Senate bill and asking its millions of members to sign a petition calling on liberal Sens. Bernie Sanders, Roland Burris, and Russ Feingold to block the bill's passage until it can be strengthened.
From the email:
The latest Senate health care bill has no public option. No expansion of Medicare. And it does too little to guarantee that uninsured Americans will actually be able afford the coverage they'll be required to purchase.1
Former insurance executive Wendell Potter put it best: the bill is "a big bailout to the [healthinsurance] industry."2
But it's not too late to fix the bill. And as Joe Lieberman has shown, just one senator willing to stand in the way can force legislation to be changed dramatically.
Senator Bernie Sanders, a strong proponent of the public option, has already made clear that he's opposed to the legislation in its current form—and he could decide to block it until it's fixed.3
But there's enormous pressure from all sides to pass a bill quickly, no matter how weak it is. Let's show Bernie and other progressives that we're counting on them to block this version of the bill—and we'll get their backs if they do.
There's an old saying: "Fascism is forever descending upon America, but always landing in Europe."
Similarly, "Turmoil is always threatening to engulf the Republican Party, but always immolating the Democrats."
Thanks to someone.
Is MoveOn.org "Insane"? ... as Gibbs said of Dean and anyone else on the left who wanted to kill the bill?
I guess they are.
Am I required to pretend I disagree with this as I felt I had to with Howard Dean?
I don't know if I can pretend that much.
President Betrayus?