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December 15, 2009
Democrats...Yep We're Ready To Sacrifice Seats To Ram Our Socialist Health Care Nightmare Down Your Throat
The singular voice of this blog wrote about this yesterday and today Byron York has a piece in the Washington Examiner about the Democrats willingness to lose seats in the name of health care.
According to one Democratic strategist, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
"In the House, the view of [California Rep. Henry] Waxman and [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi is that we've waited two generations to get health care passed, and the 20 or 40 members of Congress who are going to lose their seats as a result are transitional players at best," he said. "This is something the party has wanted since Franklin Roosevelt." In this view, losses are just the price of doing something great and historic. (The strategist also noted that it's easy for Waxman and Pelosi to say that, since they come from safely liberal districts.)
"At the White House, the picture is slightly different," he continued. "Their view is, 'We're all in on this, totally committed, and we don't have to run for re-election next year. There will never be a better time to do it than now.'"
"And in the Senate, they look at the most vulnerable Democrats -- like [Christopher] Dodd and [Majority Leader Harry] Reid -- and say those vulnerabilities will probably not change whether health care reform passes or fails. So in that view, if they pass reform, Democrats will lose the same number of seats they were going to lose before."
The bill isn't going to include a public option or the Medicare buy in but it will be "something" that Obama can sign, a majority of the public be damned. Yes, Democrats will pay a price at the polls next year and maybe in 2012 but it will be too late. Nothing like this ever gets repealed, it only grows. So the left with throw their tantrums about not getting everything they want, the Democrats will see the majorities shrink (maybe even disappear) but in the natural flow of American politics, they will be back and they will say, "look at the problems this stupid half measure created!". Of course the answer will inevitably be more government, not less and in 10 or 15 years (max), they will get their public option and/or single payer system.
The 50 or 60 Dems who will lose their seats won't be mourned, they'll be celebrated as martyrs to the cause, if by martyr you mean someone pulling down mid six to low seven figures as a lobbyist.