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December 07, 2009
Landrieu Will Flip-Flop on Abortion, Voting Against Nelson Amendment; Dems Scheme to Replace Public Option With... Budget-Busting Blow-Up of Medicare and Medicaid
Landrieu, bought and paid for and reversing her supposed former position of opposing funding abortion with taxpayer money.
Instead of the public option, we'll merely expand Medicare to cover those 55 years old and over, and Medicaid to those making up to $66,000 per year. (Poverty? Nope, triple the poverty level. Most people would say that's not a bad salary.)
enate Democratic liberals are seeking expansion of two large federal programs, Medicare and Medicaid, in exchange for dropping a government-sold insurance option from health care legislation sought by President Barack Obama, several lawmakers said Monday.
Under the potential trade-off with party moderates, near-retirees beginning at age 55 or 60 who lack affordable insurance would be permitted to purchase coverage under Medicare, which generally provides medical care beginning at 65. Medicaid, the federal-state health care program for the poor, would be open to all comers under 300 percent of poverty, or slightly over $66,000 for a family of four.
Senators and aides said the changes have been discussed extensively in recent days as a small group of moderate and liberal Democrats search for a middle ground to assure passage of the bill atop Obama's domestic agenda.
Given the complexities of the two programs, and the White House's goal of passing legislation by year's end, it wasn't clear whether the negotiations would ultimately prove successful, or whether they merely were a last stab by liberals to salvage some concession in a monthslong debate.
And how will we pay for such a huge expansion in the programs? Well, one, through taxing the hell out of everyone else, and two, cutting -- dare I say rationing? -- care from those who get it currently.
Thanks to AHFF Geoff.