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December 01, 2009
Obama Speech Preview: Retreat Dates Are Already Set
Yes, the Left is so in love with the idea of a second Vietnam War that the President cannot be dissuaded from announcing dates for the end-game in Afghanistan in his speech tonight.
And don't even bother trying to ask Robert "Baghdad Bob" Gibbs about whether it might not be such a good idea for the President to alert our enemies as to the moment he's decided it will be politically feasible to retreat. He doesn't get it:
Q Can I ask, Robert, just two Afghanistan questions? One, what's your answer to the people who say by stressing over and over again that this won't be open-ended, you're basically telling our enemies just wait us out, and our -- or as well, allies, hedge your bets, because we're going to be leaving?
MR. GIBBS: That to me doesn't make any logical sense. I mean, if you -- if you're to believe that a certain insurgency has the momentum and they're increasingly occupying and attacking and gathering more space, are you saying that all we have to do is say we're going to leave at a certain date and they'll stop their -- they'll stop their pursuit or their momentum? If that's the case, then, maybe the President should just say that. I mean, it doesn't actually make any -- I mean, it's a great talking point. It doesn’t actually make any logical -- it doesn’t make any logical sense.
This foot-half-in-the-door thing the President is doing is going to get more people killed. He either needs to commit wholeheartedly, or he needs to say "fuckit" and pull our troops out. As it is, he's putting our troops and the mission at risk by leaving them hanging out over there without the support they've asked for.
It's his inexperience again that's the root of the problem. Everyone knows that we're not going to be in Afghanistan forever; that our commitment cannot be open-ended. But there's no reason he has to tell our enemies ever freakin' detail of the plan. The only reason he's announcing withdrawal dates now is because his political advisors are telling him he has to throw a bone to Michael Moore and the Far Left.
Obama does not have the courage or the will to put winning the war above Rahm Emanuel's political ambitions.
Let's See What the Big Dick Thinks About All This: Cheney speaks:
In a 90-minute interview at his suburban Washington house, Cheney said the president’s “agonizing” about Afghanistan strategy “has consequences for your forces in the field.”
“I begin to get nervous when I see the commander in chief making decisions apparently for what I would describe as small ‘p’ political reasons, where he’s trying to balance off different competing groups in society,” Cheney said.
“Every time he delays, defers, debates, changes his position, it begins to raise questions: Is the commander in chief really behind what they’ve been asked to do?”

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:56 AM
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