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November 24, 2009
Allahpundit & why SEALs have no beta males
I know Ace does not like red on red and I respect that, so I will leave the beatdown portion of this at BLACKFIVE. Allahpundit posts about how a fat lip is the kind of reason we should ruin the careers of SEALs. Go there if you wish, I won't link. And for the record I end up w/ Allah on most topics, but this is not even close.
Even so, the fact that this turd got the Iraqi authorities involved may have left Central Command with little choice here. The last thing the military needs right now is another detainee-abuse headache, especially with some Iraqi pols already leaning on them about withdrawal. Giving the SEALs a zero-tolerance wrist slap reminds other troops not to do anything more seriously stupid that might be exploited politically. And it will be a wrist slap, I’m sure: The last thing The One needs after shipping KSM off to NYC for his close-up is the image of SEALs being hauled off to prison for busting some jihadi in the face.In fact, according to Fox, the SEALs requested a court-martial rather than nonjudicial punishment, presumably because they know full well how awful this looks for the military. Prediction: Wrist slap.
Just for the beta male's edification, a wrist slap is a career-ender in the Spec Ops community.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
07:42 PM
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