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November 24, 2009
Doug Hoffman Officially Concedes In NY-23, Seems To Say He's Running In 2010
Just got this via his email list.
Dear Friends,
Today, Tuesday, November 24, 2009, it is with a heavy heart that we declare this election over. We will formally end this election and not ask for a recount. This was a difficult choice to make because so many people have put their faith, hope and aspirations into our campaign.
Yes, there seem to have been many vote counting problems, missed vote counts and, as was recently reported by the Gouvernour Times, software problems in the computerized voting machines. Despite these incidents, I do not believe the voters of NY-23, or New Yorkers in general, would be well-served by a disruptive and costly recount that would most likely not change the election outcome.
I know many are disappointed and even angry. To those I say now is not the time to look back, but to focus on the future and ensure that next year we win back this district decidedly. Know this decision was not an easy one. I did not want to let down those who worked so hard, donated so much and shared their enthusiasm for retaking our country with common-sense conservative values.
And rest assured, our energies are now directed toward 2010. This election, in which a third party candidate narrowly lost, showed that principles do matter. Special interests do have an Achilles' heel, the American people. Main-street conservatism's voice is now echoing through the government chambers and boardrooms that shape America. By most measures, this campaign was a success and I have you all to thank for this. And all of us have to thank the Conservative Party of New York State for nominating a candidacy like ours.
There's more but that's the gist.
Given the numbers he was looking at in terms of being behind and the absentees it was inevitable.
As he said, there were problems with some machines on election night. That seems mostly due to problems with brand new equipment and not any organized attempt at fraud (it's not a district that lends itself to that).
Given Bill Owens amazing record of breaking four promises within an hour of taking office, it seems 2010 will be fertile ground for Mr. Hoffman.

posted by DrewM. at
07:41 PM
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