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November 21, 2009
FBI Knew Hasan Was Chatting Up Al Qaeda Cleric And Becoming More Radical In Months Leading Up To Ft. Hood Attack
Amazingly, they didn't think it was something the Army needed to know.
In the months before the deadly shootings at Fort Hood, Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan intensified his communications with a radical Yemeni American cleric and began to discuss surreptitious financial transfers and other steps that could translate his thoughts into action, according to two sources briefed on a collection of secret e-mails between the two.
The e-mails were obtained by an FBI-led task force in San Diego between late last year and June but were not forwarded to the military, according to government and congressional sources. Some were sent to the FBI's Washington field office, triggering an assessment into whether they raised national security concerns, but those intercepted later were not, the sources said.
..."It became very clear toward the end of those e-mails he was interested in taking action."
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.) said Friday that he would investigate the handling of the e-mails -- 18 or 19 in all -- and why military officials were not aware of them before the deadly attack. Levin told reporters after a briefing from Pentagon staff members that "there are some who are reluctant to call it terrorism, but there is significant evidence that it is."
If even an ostrich like Levin is realizing this is a terror attack, it's going to be harder for Obama and Army leaders to continue to pretend otherwise.
As for the failure to connect the proverbial dots...memo to the FBI-There is NO reason for a serving member of the United States Army (or any American) to be chatting up a spiritual adviser to al Qaeda. None. Zero. Zip.
I hope this clear things up for you guys.

posted by DrewM. at
02:06 PM
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