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Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch) »
November 09, 2009
Feds Dropped Investigation Into Hassan Because He Didn't Seem Violent; Figured, I Guess, He Would Merely Provide Al Qaeda With Military Secrets and Troop Information and the Like, So No Bigs, Really
He wasn't "likely to be violent." Um, spectacularly wrong, as it turns out; but when spies contact the enemy, do we routinely drop investigations of them based on their propensity for violence?
Most spies aren't violent. They do cause the deaths of Americans, however.
But this guy got a pass.
Pardon me if I believe like 75% of all Americans that was because it's apparently now illegal and unconstitutional to investigate a Muslim for criminal activity. Could produce "backlash," you see.
The lesson of 9/11, it turns out, is "take a wait and see attitude." Once there are bodies on the ground, well, Detective, you've got your proof.
George W. Bush just emailed me, asking where the apologies from the media are for blaming him for eight years for failing to have "connected the dots."
Chris Matthews: "It's not a crime to call Al Qaeda, is it? I mean, where do you stop the guy?" Matthews spins on behalf of his wannabe-boyfriend Obama and the incompetents in the federal government.
Funny, seems to me that after 9/11, National Security Concern Trolls like Chris Matthews were pretty sure we should have rolled up the Mohammad Atta cell based upon pilot-training inquiries.
But now we have a guy in the army calling Al Qaeda on the phone and Chris Matthews is generally perplexed as to what we could have possibly have done to stop this.
Um, in any security position, having or attempting to have communications with the enemy is a crime, or at least a cashiering-level offense, if it's not reported immediately.
Since this guy, presumably, did not report to his superior officers Hey guys, by the way, and apropos of nothing, I've been drunk-dialing al-Zarqawi, just f.y.i., right there is a reason to send him to the brig.
Iowahawk: Presents the news the way the leftwing media wanted to report it, and pretty much almost did. But not quite:
Inevitbly, Another Soldier Snaps
Investigation: Ft. Hood Killer Had Access to Fox, Talk Radio, and Right-Wing Blogs
Defiant Palin Refuses to Apologize
Almost though.
Incidentally, I now have a perfect defense to the crime of murder: Because I heard about this motherfucker's rampage on TV, I too have secondary PTSD by proxy.
In a way, you can say that I, too, am a casualty of this illegal war of choice.
And you can say that about my victim, too, if you like.