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November 09, 2009
Obama on Fall of Berlin Wall: No One Could Have Forseen on That Day That German Ally America Would Be Led By Man of African Descent

Look upon my mighty works and donate.
But enough of me talking about myself. How about you talk about me for a while?
There is a fallacy in the theory of evolution, often cautioned against, to imagine evolution as one long "march of progress" in which every mutation and selection works, teleologically, to produce the supreme form of being (that would be us). It's a vanity science has no use of.
On the other hand, there is Obama. 100,000 years of human history have unfolded in just this precisely-right way to contrive in his person the Ultimate Man.
There is no agenda of Obama; rather, physics and history have an agenda leading us to Obama.
The universe has conspired benevolently to bring us him.
What a stupid dick.
Did He Not Show Up Because It Wasn't All About Him? Left-wing German paper Der Spiegel seems to have gotten that impression:
There was one world leader absent for today’s commemorations marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Surprisingly enough, it’s President Barack Obama, who found time last year to give a campaign speech there last year, which Der Spiegel summed up as “People of the World, Look at Me”.
The White House has cited a packed schedule, though looking at it he had nothing much on yesterday (brief chat to reporters about healthcare – by far his biggest priority) and just blah briefings and a bill signing today until a metting this evening with Benjamin Netanyahu. This time, Der Spiegel has reported it as “Barack Too Busy”.
Pretty much at this point he'll only be traveling to pick up awards.
Via Allah's Twitter feed.
Thanks to Slu for the great photoshop.