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November 07, 2009
Now It Can Be Told: The Real Victims Of Ft. Hood Shooting Are American Muslims
I bet you sill wingnuts thought is was the killed, wounded and their family and friends.
First, Mark Steyn points out this headline from the BBC:
Shooting Raises Fears For Muslims In US Army
In response, Steyn snarks,
Really? Right now the body count stands at:
Non-Muslims 13
Muslims 0
Gateway Pundit has the video of Geraldo Rivera on last night's O'Reilly program. This genius wants you to know where his sympathies lay.
And the people I feel the most sorry for tonight are the 12 to 15,000 Muslim GI’s who serve honorably and the four million Muslims in this country the citizens who are patriots and believe that believe in our country and now will be because of this, the way this story is being played will be subjected to more of this kind of undertone, widespread, resentment and prejudice and discrimination that’s happened really since 9-11.
Be sure to check out the chart at GP which shows that Muslims aren't even close to be the largest target of religious based crimes. Who is? The Jews.
Now, I don't want to be as stupid as the Geraldos of the world in reverse. Of course not every Muslim is a terrorist but every Muslim terrorist is in fact a Muslim.
8+ years after 9/11 and far too many people simply want to rule any notice, let along discussion, of religion as a factor in Islamic terrorism cases as something simply not done in polite society.
Now, if a white guy kills an abortionist, well, then you can damn well rest assured that President Shout Out and his minions will be jumping to conclusions and discussing religion.
After every terrorist attack people lament that no one "connected the dots". Well, "connecting the dots" is irrelevant if you are unwilling to ever step back and look at the picture that they draw.

posted by DrewM. at
11:56 AM
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