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November 07, 2009
Floor Fight In The House
Democrats are lining up female members to support the health care bill and giving a quick speech as part of their "unanimous consent request to revise and extend" their remarks.
Tom Price (R-GA) is now objecting and generally mucking up the works.
Now, Rep. Drier is doing it.
John Dingell who, God bless him, is about 125 years old is in the chair and getting pissed.
It's awesome.
The Republicans finally got a female member down to do the objects. A good idea but the "Republicans are trying to shut women up" meme already has plenty of video.
The Democrats are providing their female members with quick talking points printed out for them.
Dingle is now reading something handed to him, no doubt from Pelosi's office, saying that each full request will be heard. In other words, it's now out of order to object before the Democrats make their little pre-written 'speech'.
Republicans wisely don't object to Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's speech about breast cancer (she's a breast cancer survivor). Good to see someone is paying attention.
Dingell now says if they keep doing this they will be charged time and warns the Republicans they will be charged when they try it. So what happens now is that the Dems get 10-12 freebies but when the Republicans try it they will get zero freebies.
It looks like the Republicans are giving up, probably in the hope they will get these freebies. Somehow I doubt it will work that way.
Now the Republicans are doing it and Dingell is cracking down after 3 Republicans.
Funny how the rules are automatically applied to the GOP and not Dems. Elections have consequences.
They are all saying "job killing bill" when the Democrats had individual talking points. The Republicans got caught flat footed with this.

posted by DrewM. at
11:05 AM
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