« Breaking: Fort Hood Shooter Alive. Also, Narrative Takes A Hit, Hasan Seems To Be A Pretty Big Fan Of Suicide Bombers |
CNN Video of Hasan This Yesterday Morning UPDATED »
November 05, 2009
Overnight Open Thread - Reconciliation Edition (Mætenloch)
Welcome to Thursday all M&Ms. Now that we've gotten most of our anger and spite out, we can start the slow shamble to forgiveness, reconciliation, and the usual snarky comments behind each other's backs. Also expect the ONT to be bumped as we get more info about the Ft. Hood shooter.
Good news For Funemployed Morons - Senate passes unemployment benefits extension 98-0.
Interview with Max Brooks of World War Z fame
A Mother's Worst Nightmare: Mom Wakes Son Up in Morning Only to Find His Arm is Missing
And no it wasn't a tiger. It was a boy-eating washing machine.
25 Fears You Never Knew Existed
And now you do.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Art and Camouflage
The Plastic Surgeon Who Built Himself a Wife
After 8 surgeries and 1.6 Kg of silicone, she's just okay.
DUI La-Z-Boy Headed For Ebay
The Jellyfish Strike Back?
Tonight's post brought to you by castaways:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:15 PM
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