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Thoughts on the Republican "Civil War" »
November 03, 2009
Democratic "Civil War:" Nutroots Threatens Democratic Lawmakers
Remember, though, the media is only interested in "concern-trolling," as Allah called it, the "civil war" in the Republican Party between the pragmatists and the maximalists.
The Democrats are still as united as ever.
MoveOn.org is sending out emails today seeking more contributions for its campaign to defeat any Democratic senator who does not fully support Obamacare. Yesterday the left-wing activist group asked members to contribute "to a primary challenge against any Democratic senator who helps Republicans block an up-or-down vote on health care reform." Today, MoveOn reports that it has received $2 million in pledges in less than 24 hours. "It's a clear sign of how angry progressives would be at any Democrat who helps filibuster reform," MoveOn executive director Justin Ruben writes in the new email.
"The larger the war chest we can offer a potential challenger, the stronger the signal we'll send to conservative Democrats," Ruben continues. "So we're setting a huge new goal: $3 million in total pledges by the end of the week. That's plenty to launch a serious primary challenge."
Byron York notes the media's "concern" of a "nightmare scenario" like this for Republicans, while failing to notice that this has been going on, and continues going on, in the Democratic Party, without any apparent "nightmarish" consequences.