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October 24, 2009
Good News, Lord Monckton
You Can Untwist Your Knickers Now
A few days ago Dave in Texas blogged this bit of a speech from Lord Christopher Monckton. If you haven't seen it, I heartily encourage you to follow the link and check it out. It's short but poignant.
Lord Monckton is desperately worried that Obama will be a signatory at the Copenhagen conference, where a new and scarier climate change treaty is to be crafted.
Fortunately, plans for global wealth redistribution (enrobed in phony environmentalism) are foundering on the objections of India and China. So it looks like there won't be anything for Obama to sign, anyway.
Apparently, the Indians and Chinese recognize the direct connection between carbon emissions and standard of living. Having had more recent experience in that condition, they understand how living in a less-industrialized state is major suckage and misery. Not some Rousseauian fantasy that persists among the Birkenstocked crowd.
Oh, and there's also this:
Mr Obama flew to Boston yesterday to make the case for a wholesale American switch to clean energy, and to launch a six-week drive to persuade the world that the US is at last serious about joining international efforts to combat climate change.
He will have his work cut out. As a presidential candidate, he held out the hope of signing a cap-and-trade Bill in time for Copenhagen. Since then, a deep recession and months of delays on healthcare reform have pushed climate change into third place on the domestic US agenda, after financial regulatory reform. That reform is seen as essential for cap-and-trade because of the need to rebuild trust in complex financial instruments after “an incredible nativist backlash against new markets” caused by the banking crisis, according to Paul Bledsoe, a former White House official at the National Commission on Energy Policy.
It's sort of like seeing something glittering in a pile of ashes, yes, but it's something. This is the news I have for you today. Obama can't F us up because we're already so F'd up. Smile Morons, it's a good thing. I think.
From Drudge.

posted by Laura. at
10:23 AM
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