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October 05, 2009
Flashback: Letterman: I Can't Say I Want America to Win in Iraq, Because I'm "Thoughtful"
Two big sources of postings since Thursday -- Letterman and Democrats rooting for America to lose wars.
Together in one tasty package.
In now a famous “You Tube” moment, Bill O’Reilly of the Fox News Channel, went on Letterman to be the recipient of the host’s rude and sophomoric antics. As the segment shifted into high gear, O’Reilly asked Letterman a pointed and direct question: “Do you want the United States to win in Iraq?”To the surprise of no one but his sycophants, Letterman could not or would not answer the question. When pressed by O’Reilly to answer, the best he could do was to play to his mostly left-leaning audience for cheap debating points and say, “It’s not easy for me because I’m thoughtful.”
But Republicans thought it was funny that the thick-witted ingenue finally learned the lesson that a smile actually doesn't work as an umbrella -- a lesson, incidentally, it is crucial that this hyperpartisan narcissist learn if America is to survive his governance -- so you know, time for a thousand stories about how Republicans root against America.
And when Democrats actually rooted against America to lose war and for US troops to die in greater numbers? Silence.