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September 16, 2009
Rasmussen: Few Believe Obamacare Protesters Are Motivated By Race
Democrats are alone when it comes to crying "racism" at every person who opposes the President's attempt to cripple our health care system:
Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Republicans reject the notion that most of the opponents are racist. So do 78% of voters not affiliated with either major party. However, just 39% of Democrats share that view. Twenty-two percent (22%) of those in the president’s party say that most of the opposition to his plan comes from racists, and another 39% are not sure.
Yikes. Only thirty-nine percent of Democrats believe opposition to Obamacare is a genuine belief and not mostly motivated by racism. That explains why the Democrats didn't bother to sell their plan during the month of August and chose instead to namecall. That thirty-nine twenty-two percent represents the Democratic base which can be counted on to yell "racism" for the next three years no matter what's going on.
It's nice to see the squishy middle -- the "not affiliated" voters -- aren't buying the Democrats' immoral lie. I suspect that they will become less and less likely to put up with it as Obama's term continues and the thirty-nine twenty-two percenters cry racism at any opposition. This racism business was old thirty years ago.
Update:D'oh! Um, I think people who said I got the numbers wrong are racist...
Fixed now. Thanks to I have a Jalen Rose jersey and others.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:28 AM
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