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September 10, 2009
ACORN Assists 'Pimp', 'Prostitute' in Scamming IRS
The ACORN folks told them they could list up to three sex slaves as dependents on their tax returns (because thirteen would be too many!). Take a look at what "community organizing" is all about:
In the videotape, made on July 24, James O'Keefe, a 25-year-old independent filmmaker, posed as a pimp with a 20-year-old woman named "Kenya" who posed as a prostitute while visiting ACORN's office in Baltimore. The couple told ACORN staffers they wanted to secure housing where the woman could continue to maintain a prostitution business.
ACORN the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now bills itself as the nation's largest community of low- and moderate-income families "working together for social justice and stronger communities," according to its Web site. The organization has been accused by Republicans and conservative activists with fraud in voter registration drives around the country and has been under fire since last year for its support of President Obama and for its planned participation in next year's census.
Much, much more on this is available at Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment.Com.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:08 PM
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