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September 10, 2009
Netanyahu jets to Kremlin- Iran in the crosshairs
This seems to be a particularly ominous sign.
A senior Kremlin official confirmed Wednesday to the Russian paper Kommersant that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu did indeed make a clandestine trip to Russia on Monday.
Commenting on the visit, the official said that "this kind of
development could only be related to new and threatening information on
Iran's nuclear program."
The Russian newspaper quoted experts speculating that such a
trip would only be justified under extraordinary circumstances, "for
example, in the case of Israel planning to attack Iran."
The report comes despite a statement Wednesday from the Kremlin
press service that "nothing is known" about reports of the visit.
Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin,
also said he had no information, the Interfax news agency reported.
Nevertheless, there was never any official denial of the report from Moscow.
The Obama administration has all but publicly announced that they are going to simply play nice with the Iranian regime and then attempt to contain them once they have nuclear weapons. They are unwilling to accept the hurt feelings that strong actions like real sanctions would bring them. That would derail the sweetness and light, milk of human kindness, apologies for all my enemies policy they have adopted. The problem is that while they may be willing to trust the better judgment of the religious fanatics who run Iran, the Israelis have no such luxury.
Even if they cannot wipe out the Iranian nuke program, they have to take action if just to spur the rest of the world to take the situation seriously. There is no agency, or diplomatic effort that is going to stop the Iranians from building a nuclear weapon. There are many reasons to fear a nuclear-armed Iran, and not just the complete emboldenment of their insurgent activities in the Middle East. They are now becoming very good friends with the Venezuelans and have secured an agreement to buy gasoline from them and other projects including a military alliance. A Venezuelan missile crisis anyone? Somehow President Obama doesn't fill me with a JFK-like confidence.
If Netanyahu was delivering a final countdown to the Russians then things could turn very ugly all over. The Iranians just announced they are willing to chat with us about anything except nukes. The rest of the West is not going to act. The Israelis have run their exercises to prep for just such a contingency. It looks like this is going to happen. The real question is what happens after the smoke clears.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
11:43 AM
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