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August 19, 2009
Democrats: No, No, We Want A Bipartisan Health Care Bill. Really, We Do. Please!
Contra the NY Times story I blogged about earlier, Gibbsy and a leading congressional Democrat are going to great pains to say how much they really, really want to work with Republicans on health care.
The White House...
Health care dominated the morning briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, who denied reports that the White House and Democrats are giving up on a bipartisan reform bill.
“Absolutely not,” Gibbs said. “We continue to be hopeful that we can get bipartisan support and will continue to work with those that are interested in doing that.”
“Our goal is to get this done in a bipartisan way,” he said. “There are several more weeks to go in potential negotiations between Republicans and Democrats. I don’t know why we would short circuit any of that now.”
Montana Senator Max Baucus, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.
Bipartisan progress continues. The Finance Committee is on track to reach a bipartisan agreement on comprehensive health care reform that can pass the Senate. Our group will be meeting tomorrow and our staffs continue to meet as well. I am confident we will continue our steady progress toward health care reform that will lower costs and provide quality, affordable coverage to all Americans.
Democrats (as opposed to the Nutroots) want Republicans on board because they really mean what they say about a new era in politics want political cover DON'T HAVE THE VOTES for a Democrat only plan.
This will set the Olbermanns and Maddows of the world off again tonight which is always fun.
At some point the Repbulicans should say, "We're out. You guys have the votes, knock yourselves out!" and then watch what happens.
Once again...being President is hard. Especially when you are a leftist trying to remake the country.
In the meantime...more popcorn!
BTW- Popcorn is good for you, so enjoy.
More Gibbs...There's no debate in the country, it's all made up by the media. Is he that stupid or simply an evil genius?

posted by DrewM. at
01:54 PM
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