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July 02, 2009
National Security & the Cult of Personality
It becomes more apparent crisis by crisis that President Obama believes his status as Supreme Leader of the New America, you know the one we can now be proud of, will serve as the guarantor of our national security. All the trappings of a cult of personality surround and engulf him, a state press, nationalized infrastructure, and the belief that he can mint money to institutionalize the state's control of production and distribution. While his rampant theft of our capitalist system is horrifying, his foreign policy is completely Obama-based and doomed to failure.
Love letters to the Mullahs are rewarded with wholesale slaughter in the streets. Yet his unconditional negotiations with them will go on and we all trust they will be swayed by the unalloyed charm of the Obama. Our democratic allies in Honduras act to stop their President from pulling a Chavez and who does the Obama back, a fellow Cult of personalitarian.
He shows an affinity for those, like him who know best how the plebes should live and prefers to deal with them. It is much easier to negotiate Poobah to Poobah without all those pesky democratic organs mucking things up. If the Iranians had an actual representative government he loses the chance for his big Nobel Peace prize for a grand bargain a la Jimmah Cahtah. In Honduras he declares their own Supreme Court broke their own laws in collusion with their entire legislature. Obviously another Jefe para Vida would be easier to deal with. Heck he might even catch another Nobel for his Latin alliance with Chavez, the Castros, Velaya and the other populist socialists in our hemisphere. Next he will pat Lil' Kim on the head and ask him to kindly refrain from lobbing missiles at his favorite vacation spot and voila another entire region pacified under the benevolent dictatorship of Obama the First.
I assume after eight years rule would pass by fiat to the Michelle and she could eradicate those last non-PC vestiges of racist Old America. There was a point in the Presidential race where anyone calling Obama a socialist was ridiculed. That ridicule was justified, his plans are more sweeping than that. Flash back to last November and put the list of his "accomplishments" thus far up as his promise for the first six months. Can you imagine his election? Sadly I still can, but as his unbridled egotism fails to overcome the pesky reality-based world we can only hope America is paying the fuck attention.

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
12:08 PM
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