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June 16, 2009
File under painfully retarded: Brit "anti-stab" knife
With the economy collapsing, middle east in disarray, and a prez and VP who apparently "guess" about shit like spending trillions of dollars to stanch growing unemployment, I felt we needed some good old fashioned world class stupidity to brighten up the day.
Enter the new British "anti-stab" knife.
As I behold the ummm...brilliance of this design, I also note that things like files and grinding wheels are still on sale in Britain...so "points" aren't all that hard to restore on a knife if one has more than a handful of neurons firing and is capable of going to the potty without mom's help.
Also, any self defense instructor will tell you its not the stabbers you have to really be concerned about its the slashers. Stabbers are generally amateurs, slashers are pros who know how to fuck you up real bad.
Of course the 50 pound price will likely chase most criminals away and they'll simply opt for a chunk of old sharpened up auto leaf spring with a not so stylish duct tape grip.
So this is the sad state of affairs it has degenerated to in England. A country where the common law was born, where Blackstone recorded that every man had an inherant right to self defense, etc. etc. Now they're selling freaking knives that aren't real and the criminals are laughing their asses off over all this theater