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June 16, 2009
Iran Round Up 2
Obama now has "deep concerns" which apparently is more than yesterday's formulation of "troubled". Who knows, by tomorrow he might even be "chagrined".
Grand Ayatullah Husayn (Hossein) 'Ali Montazeri, a leader of the revolution along with Khomeini, under whom he studied, and has long expressed a desire for greater freedoms in Iran has come out in support of the protesters.
And finally, the Supreme Leader appeared on TV and called for unity because ultimately it's not about who is President anyway.
Khamenei was quoted as saying that: "In the elections, voters had different tendencies, but they equally believe in the ruling system and support the Islamic Republic."
Khamenei, Iran's ultimate authority, says that representatives of all four candidates should be present for any limited recount of disputed ballots, which the country's cleric-led Guardian Council said Tuesday that it would be willing to conduct.
Nice to see him admit that.
Also, lots of Twitter reports that today's protests were even larger than yesterday's and were for the most part peaceful.
Interesting story on the technology battle going on in conjunction with the street protests. As the government tries to close down Twitter and other Web 2.0 tools, Iranians and others have taken to attacking official and semi-official Iranian websites.
UPDATE: Via Twitter StopAhmadi Says Khamenei reconfirmed that Ahmadinejad won.

posted by DrewM. at
02:29 PM
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