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June 03, 2009
Humpday Ignorant And Gratuitous Scandi Bashing
Are the Dutch technically Scandis?
Who cares, right? They live cheek-to-jowl with true Scandis in the Earth's frozen buttcrack so we'll assume guilt by association and cousin-touching. The point is not that we're correct, but that we keep in practice and shake the dust off our slurs from time to time.
Apparently Australian troops are accustomed to eating fresher food than the Dutch are:
Australia's soldiers fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan are up in arms, over Dutch food.
A special team of Australian military cooks had been rushed to Afghanistan to produce "Aussie food" after scores of soldiers complained about the Dutch-run mess at Tirin Kot military base, in southern Uruzgan province, parliament was told Wednesday.
Houston said the Dutch-prepared food was generally nutritious, but was not as fresh as Australians were generally accustomed to in their diets.
"...not as fresh" = Pickled narwhale gallbladder in fermented herring sauce.
"Scandis Go Home:" Newer readers might want to read this to get the running jokes about dirty Scandi icebacks and snow-wops.

posted by Laura. at
02:30 PM
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