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May 11, 2009
Joe Biden: I Personally Ended the Vietnam War, or Something
Video of his latest unhinged bit of resume padding, plus rebuttal.
Joe Biden's never actually done anything in his life, except vote on stuff and sponsor some legislation. (Most of it very minor -- his claim to fame, apparently, is a federal law about violence against women, which is primarily (almost completely) a matter for local law enforcement, so that gives you a sense of his clock-watching, time-passing career.)
Pretty much the only thing Joe Biden has ever done is spout off. Well, when all you have is a hammer, all the world looks like nails. We continue to see Joe Biden continuing to claim that his mere observations and rants have somehow altered the course of history -- so insightful and prescient were they.
Well, let me note something: Over the past four or five years, I've said on many occasions, "Hey, maybe we should win the Iraq War." In fact, I think you guys have said that too once or twice.
And Lo -- our mighty pronouncements have become actual fact, for our troops won the Iraq War.
Could they have won it if we didn't say "Hey let's win this war"? Would they have chanced upon that idea all by themselves, without our suggesting it to them?
I don't want to take too much credit, but the answer is obviously No.
I won the Iraq War just by saying doing so was a good idea. You guys won the war too. Take a bow.
Are we all heroes? Well... shyah, yeah. We won a war, dude.
What's scary is that Joe Bide is not, at his heart, a liar. He really believes this crap. Part of his brain makes up this daft crap, and the other part of his brain seizes upon it.
It's like waking up from a dream and temporarily not knowing what's real and what's dream. Except Joe Biden walks around in this fey state where the borders of reality and fantasy bleed into each other 24/7.