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February 27, 2009
Blame the Gringos, Part Deux
Good work by Purple Avenger here. When I read this, I couldn't help feeling a strange sense of deja vu. I wonder why?
Is it just me, or does any other conservative out there feel like a Kindergarten Teacher on a daily basis? You keep telling the little cretins to stop eating their paste, and every time you turn back around from the blackboard they're wearing creepy little "Children of the Corn" grins with a thick pasty lather around their ignorant little pieholes.
Next time you talk to a gun rights person who voted for Obama, despite his Marxist background, please do me a favor: Take their guns (out of their cold, dead hands if necessary) and shove those guns right up their cold, dead squeakholes.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
12:41 PM
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