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February 26, 2009
Holder beclowns self, displays ignorance of existing firearms law
..."I think closing the gun show loophole, the banning of cop-killer bullets and I also think that making the assault weapons ban permanent, would be something that would be permitted under Heller," Holder said...
Ahem, the existing law about bullets...27 CFR 478478.37 Manufacture, importation and
sale of armor piercing ammunition.
No person shall manufacture or import,
and no manufacturer or importer
shall sell or deliver, armor piercing
ammunition, except:
(a) The manufacture or importation,
or the sale or delivery by any manufacturer
or importer, of armor piercing
ammunition for the use of the United
States or any department or agency
thereof or any State or any department,
agency or political subdivision
(b) The manufacture, or the sale or
delivery by a manufacturer or importer,
of armor piercing ammunition
for the purpose of exportation; or
(c) The sale or delivery by a manufacturer
or importer of armor piercing
ammunition for the purposes of testing
or experimentation as authorized by
the Director under the provisions of
§ 478.149.
IOW - its fine for the government to have AP ammo, but not the great unwashed. So if some Mexican drug gangs are getting their "cop killer" ammo from the USA, then they're getting it from a US government agency or the cops in the US. They ain't getting it from a FFL because they can't sell it to the public.
If my memory serves correct, this sort of law has been in place since about the time of Bush V1.0 was in office...which would be just under 20 years ago. Enough time for the AG to familiarize themselves with it I would presume...unless of course the AG has the mental capacity of a turnip.