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February 27, 2009
Recessions are for the Little People
I called the White House to check if that quote was accurate. It was. An aide explained that first lady Michelle Obama "has taken a particular interest in showcasing the work of young up-and-coming designers who have chosen fashion as their path and who are artists in their own right and who are introduced at places like Fashion Week."
It's hard to put Herrera, Karan and Jacobs in the up-and-coming category, but never mind: Perhaps we'll be seeing punky, funky ponchos and Day-Glo metallics at some future White House function. I asked whether the first lady considered Rogers' hitting the fashion shows a little frivolous, given the seriousness of our times. "I think you're assigning a value judgment to the fashion industry," I was told. "She doesn't think it is frivolous at all."
We do this a lot, but just imagine if a Republican first lady were so mind-numbingly tone deaf to the mood of the country? Actually, we don't have to imagine. Read the next-to-last paragraph in York's story to find out what the press said when a Republican was in office.
h/t: Allahpundit.
Update - In the comments, reason reminds us of a much more recent example of media OUTRAGE! over GOP spending:
Remember the outrage over Sarah Palin's New York shopping spree? Remember the savaging over Cindy McCain's $300K RNC outfit?
Yeah. Neither does anyone else, I guess.
Can you blame them? Maintaining consistent standards would get in the way of their attempts to make Michelle the new Jackie.

posted by Slublog at
10:26 AM
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