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Well, someone still has some money to piss away on useless shit... »
February 26, 2009
CNN: “Descendant Sues Skull and Bones Over Geronimo’s Bones” (genghis)
Subheadline in the “story highlights:” “Author: Document shows George W. Bush's grandfather robbed Geronimo's grave.” (Note: article text has been squished together to preserve screen space)
Gadzooks! And here all along we’d thought it was the Illuminati. Thanks to investigative journalism we now know the truth.
”(CNN) -- The great-grandson of Apache warrior Geronimo argues in a lawsuit that a secretive society at Yale University holds the remains of his great-grandfather. Harlyn Geronimo has sued Yale and the society -- the Order of Skull and Bones -- to try to recover the remains”
“Author Alexandra Robbins said evidence backs up the younger Geronimo's claim that Skull and Bones has the Apache warrior's remains.”
First of all, what self-respecting
Indian Native American goes by the name of “Harlyn?” I think I’d give this a little more credence if it were “Running Wolf Geronimo,” or such. But are there doubters to this claim? I’m glad you asked:
:”Not everyone believes the Bonesmen found Geronimo's bones. Some researchers have concluded that the Bonesmen could not have even found Geronimo's grave in 1918. In the Yale Alumni Magazine's article, David H. Miller, a history professor at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma, cites historical accounts that the grave was unmarked and overgrown until a Fort Sill librarian persuaded local Apaches to identify the site for him in the 1920s. "My assumption is that they did dig up somebody at Fort Sill," said Miller. "It could have been an Indian, but it probably wasn't Geronimo."”
Other items alleged to be on display in the Skull & Bones “Tomb”: The Ark of the Covenant, the remains of the aliens who crash-landed in Roswell, the One Ring, a flipper from the Loch Ness Monster, untold numbers of panties from various raids and all the socks ever lost in clothes dryers throughout recorded human history. But here’s a little something to tickle yer fancy:
”President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of the Army Pete Geren are listed as defendants in the 32-page lawsuit Harlyn Geronimo filed in the District of Columbia.”
Image of a member of Skull and Bones below the fold.
And thanks Vinnie for asking people to stick around. This isn’t the overnight thread if anyone’s wondering. That’ll come later.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
07:56 PM
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