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February 23, 2009
VA refuses to whack your pee pee
The sick bastards at This ain't Hell have forced me to post the following, with commentary.
Arizona Daily Star
VA reviewing policy against transsexual
By Carol Ann Alaimo
"You people don't exist."
Air Force veteran Diane Steen, who was born male and had surgery to become a woman, still gets steamed when she recalls the comment from a staffer at Tucson's veterans hospital, where Steen is a patient and a longtime volunteer.
The remark came, she said, when she asked the staffer, who had a military background, how much training he had received about people like herOfficially, transgender patients barely do exist in the Veterans Affairs health care system.They often are denied treatments that experts say could help them most.
National Department of Veterans Affairs policy now under review specifically forbids veterans hospitals to perform or pay for "transsexual surgery." It also does not provide for the related health care that experts recommend, such as psychotherapy, hormone treatment and other measures
TSO provides this useful link. and Jonn had this to add.
"Now we know what the IAVA and IVAW mean when they talk about "fully funding the VA"

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
03:08 PM
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