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February 22, 2009
UConn Men’s Basketball Coach vs. “Activist/Journalist.” (genghis)
In sporting news, we get the following report from WTNH (Hartford, Conn.) about a little post-game tussle between Univ. of Connecticut Men’s basketball coach Jim Calhoun and testosterone-starved “feelance journalist” Ken Kreyeske, apparently working for “The Hartford News,” which I guess is a new start-up blog or something. (video of the smackdown available at the link)
Mr. Kreyeske was apparently concerned/shocked/protesting about the coach’s “exhorbitant” salary and how much it was costing Uconn. Coach tried his best to school this blithering idiot on economics, though it’s unclear if the message took.
But it’s not the first time Mr. Kreyeske has been in the news for being a dickhead journalist.
: “The man asking the questions which got the Hall of Fame Coach fired-up, has made headlines in the past. “
“The 35-year-old Kreyeske was arrested on a breach of peace charge in January 2007 after trying to take a picture of Governor Rell during her inaugural parade. “
“The arrest report said that Kreyeske was recognized from a watch list as a potential danger to the Governor.”
“The charges ended up being dropped.”
Follow-up interview below the fold.
Later in the evening, AoSHQ correspondents were able to reach him at his home, a modest walk-up unit that he shares with his mother and a number of cats. He still seemed to be upset by the encounter earlier with Coach Calhoun. During the brief interview he had this to say:
” Look, I was bullied by these jocks back in junior high and I’m just not going to take it any more! I’m a professional journalist now, and I want some respect!”
When asked what his future plans were regarding this incident, he replied: “Well, first I’m going to spread the news of this outrage to all my friends at Facebook and on CraigsList. That’ll show these fuckers! It’s like wringing out a towel…don’t you understand? Towel? Wringing? Wetness equals emotion? I didn’t figure you would. Probably after that, I’ll go fall asleep listening to some Coldplay.”
(It’s entirely possible that nothing in those last three paragraphs ever occured.)
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posted by xgenghisx at
05:43 AM
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