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February 22, 2009
Overnight Open Thread. Happy Days are Here Again! (genghis)
At last, our long national nightmare is over and we can get back to important topics, such as Chandra Levy’s tragic murder. (Oh, and shark attacks…relentless shark attacks). As you may recall, this was the top issue that gripped our nation up through September 10th, 2001. But as you also may recall, the Bush Regime, along with the Saudis, CIA, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, Freemasons and Skull and Bones orchestrated an event on September 11th, 2001 which would sweep that story off the front pages for eight years. But now, with a new administration in control, we can get back to the important issues at hand. It’s like we’ve returned to normalcy finally.
Thank God that Greta and Nancy Grace have something to talk about again. So there’s that, or anything else that’s on your mind tonight.
(might be an actual link or two tacked on later)
(PS: If you're having trouble accessing the comments tonight, you're not alone. Best advice I can give is to be patient. Or go torment the Kos Kidz for a bit and check back often. Give 'em the thread equivalent of wedgies and titty-twisters. It'll remind 'em of all the good times they had back in junior high.)
About the Comments [Gabe]: Sorry for the outage. Pixy is on it.
Update from Pixy: Sory about that. We had a server blow up today - it took out Protein Wisdom (which is why they're currently running on a backup from December) and wreaked havoc throughout the munusphere. Comments are back now, which is more than I can say for the system disk in that server. :(
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:24 AM
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