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February 15, 2009
President Obama decides a nice holiday weekend with Klingonesque wife is more important than saving the world from certain financial meltdown (chad)
After weeks of pushing congress to pass his "economic stimulus" package immediately, in order to avoid the inevitable financial meltdown inaction would bring, President Obama has decided to delay signing the bill until Tuesday so he can enjoy a weekend home in Chicago with his wife M'chel Michelle.
Un-Freakin' Believable. This bill had to be printed in the middle of the night and be voted on the next day before anyone could actually read it because it was so freakin' important, but the savior can't take 5 freakin' seconds out of his schedule to sign the damn thing.
Good to know our President has the best interest of the country at heart.
On the plus side he thinks Air Force One is a "spiffy ride" so I guess that makes up for everything.
Clarification: I don't want him to sign the bill it's just that his selfish irresponsibility burns my ass.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:36 PM
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