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Overnight Open Thread. Outrage Edition (genghis) »
February 11, 2009
God Lawsuit Still Going
Dave in Texas first wrote about this case in September 2007 (here and here). Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers sued God to prove a point about frivolous lawsuits. In Chambers' opinion, "anyone can sue anybody, even God."
His lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice for lack of proof of service. So Chambers appealed, arguing that if courts allow God to take notice of oaths to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God" surely He has notice of the lawsuit. (He also has a fairly decent claim that the case should have been dismissed without prejudice.)
It gets stranger. The appellate court has ordered Chambers to provide a statement of jurisdiction and to show that he had notified former Nebraska state senator John DeCamp, who has asked to represent God in the suit.
"If they want to go to court, we're willing to take God's side," said DeCamp, who practices law in Lincoln. He said he legally registered "The Church of the Golden Rule" as an entity in Nebraska two decades ago, so he has religious experience.
The court has received several offers from people who would like to represent God. I'm not sure how they settled on DeCamp. Perhaps the delicious absurdity appealed to them.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:22 PM
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